
    Meet 4k.Shy An American Up & Coming Music Producer


    4k Shy is an American producer based in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. He is also the creator of the Hip Hop Untapped Intro many of you most likely have heard while on the website or social media pages (@hiphopuntapped). He also created a few other projects for the company including the cryptocurrency NFT instrumental which is releasing very soon.


    What is 4K Shy’s real name?: 4K Shy’s real name is – Sabir Rahim
    How old is4K Shy’s?: 4K Shy’s is – years old as of 2022 21 years old
    What is 4K Shy’s zodiac sign?: 4K Shy’s zodiac sign is – Aquarius
    What is 4K Shy’s Instagram?: 4K Shy’s Instagram is – (@Die4Shy)
    What is 4K Shy’s Twitter?: Twitter is Lil shy ( @Clouth.Shy)
    When was 4K Shy born?: 4K Shy was born on – January 23, 2001
    Who has 4K Shy worked with?: 4K Shy has worked with Blocboy JB, Duntsane, Araw, GodBoy Slate, Marlo Waters, Sexxrehab, Lill, Outaspce Rell
    What are some of 4K Shy’s popular beats? some of 4K Shy’s popular beats are Dinero, Death before Dishonor, Stepper
    What is 4K Shy’s Height?: 4K Shy’s height is – 5’10
    Where is4K Shy from?: 4K Shy’s is from – Philadelphia, Pa
    How did 4K Shy get his name? 4K Shy told HipHopUntapped that “Growing up I was always considered to be shy. Shy was the first-word people use to describe me. 4k comes from an ideology of mine. When you think of 4k you think of a clear vivid image. Seeing things in 4k means that you look at the world in a different way from everyone else. You are fully aware of your existence and your place in the world. You see and understand the bigger picture behind everything and see the world and you have the ability to look through the façades and illusions that block people from having this same vision.
    Does 4K Shy have kids?: 4K Shy’s has no kids.
    Is 4K Shy’s single?: 4K Shy’s is single as of 2022


    Stream 4k Shy via Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, and all other streaming platforms:

    Check Out Out 4K.Shy latest beats:

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